
Spring Break

In twelve days my four gal pals and I will be on the way to Key West for an amazing Spring Break experience!
One thing about me that you must understand is that I LOVE to craft! Having said, I took it upon myself to create some really great beach "gear" for each girl. These items include personalized drinking jugs, glittery coozies, crazy straws, and personalized foam visors with cute fake flowers on top! (picture to come). Ill probably add a few other items like candy, a few magazines, gum, and mini liquor bottles like you would get on an airplane. I figure that since we will all five be spending a total of twenty five hours in the same car over six days we could use a few fun items like that.
Another thing about me is that I LOVE spring break! Take notice: I do not enjoy people falling off balconies, getting too friendly with strangers, or "girls gone wild".. I do enjoy laying on the beach with a mixed drink, hanging with my gals, and letting off steam on a beautiful island! The excitement alone is part of the fun. Stay tuned to see pictures from the trip!
<cannot wait to get away>
Smathers Beach, Key West

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