
Ghost Stories

I dont know about how boys get over a girl, but I surely know how girls get over boys. We cry ourselves to sleep, talk for hours with our besties, ask Momma for advice, and pretty much end up spending more time than not thinking about him. As screwed up as it sounds, thinking about an ex usually helps me get over him. By thinking about him its like he is still there, sort of phasing him out of your head until he is eventually gone for good.. but then girls also suffer from what I call "haunting"..
I dont mean that my exes stalk me, or show up in ghost form. I mean those random unexpected moments when you think about him. It may be a song that pops on your shuffle, the smell of his deodorant on someone you pass by, or even the taste of a food that reminds you of him... rude, I know. Can't these hauntings just disappear with him?!
These occurances are especially crappy when the relationship ended badly. The last thing I want to hear after a heartbreak is the one song he knows how to play on guitar.. or ANY Taylor Swift song.
Anyway, I hope that you gals can relate because I sometimes feel like a stage five clinger when I get haunted like twenty times a day. Maybe we could all invest in a fairy Godmother to erase our memories of exes.
Get out of here, frickin' ghosts.

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